Friday 27 May 2022

Translation: The Little Dictionary of Shanghai’s Fight Against the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has introduced a rash of new vocabulary into everyday life across the globe, but perhaps nowhere more so than in China, where the battle for “COVID zero” has spawned an epidemic of slogans. Political rallying cries and abstruse formulations are endemic to the Chinese Communist Party, which often communicates in a style nearly impenetrable to uninformed observers. The pandemic seems to have exacerbated the CCP’s predilection. Terms such as “spatial-temporal proximity,” “Baymax,” and “social clearance” are regularly employed by the media and used in daily life. But it seems that simply compiling the Party’s slogans is a sensitive endeavor. WeChat censors recently deleted a post titled “The Little Dictionary of Shanghai’s Fight Against the Pandemic 4.0” for violating the platform’s rules. The censored dictionary, a compilation of terms introduced or adapted during the Shanghai lockdown, is both a valuable archive of the outbreak of slogans and a unique form of protest art.

Organized into eight sections—each given a dry title such as “A Numbers Game” or “Vivid Metaphors,” and concluding with the section  “Incoherence”—the little dictionary is a masterclass in how language can be rendered meaningless. Arranged in such an expansive list, the slogans become both abstraction and absurdity. One entire section consists of phrases echoing an official formula, originally applied to tax and fee collection, which has since become infamous in the form of the leaked instruction to ‘round up everyone who should be rounded up‘ in Xinjiang. CDT has translated the now-censored little dictionary and will give choice slogans full expositions on our China Digital Space wiki

Phase 1 一些新概念
Phase 1: New Concepts

动态清零  dòngtài qīnglíng
Dynamic Clearance

社会面清零  shèhuìmiàn qīnglíng
Societal Clearance

社会面基本清零 shèhuìmiàn jīběn qīnglíng
Basic Societal Clearance

社会面动态清零 shèhuìmiàn dòngtài qīnglíng
Dynamic Societal Clearance

硬隔离 yìng gélí
Hard Quarantine

软分隔 ruǎn fēngé
Soft Barricades

静默期 jìngmò qī
Silent Period

微网格 wēi wǎnggé
Micro Grid

网格长 wǎnggé zhǎng
Grid Manager

静态管理 jìngtài guǎnlǐ
Static Management

强化兜底 qiánghuà dōudǐ
Strengthen Baseline Guarantees

流调判密 liúdiào pànmì
Identify Close Contacts Through Contact Tracing

点式复工 diǎnshì fùgōng
Point-to-Point Return-to-Work

有序解封 yǒuxù jiěfēng
Orderly End to Lockdown

重新赋码 chóngxīn fùmǎ
Renew Quality-Control Codes

底线思维 dǐxiàn sīwéi
“Worst-Case-Scenario” Thinking

极限思维 jíxiàn sīwéi
“By-Any-Means-Necessary” Thinking 

压茬推进 yāchá tuījìn (Origin is Shaanxi dialect: “niāchá tuījìn”)
No-Stone-Unturned Advance

提级管理 tíjí guǎnlǐ
Enhanced Management 

数字哨兵 shùzì shàobīng
Digital Sentry 

无疫之区 wúyì zhī qū
Pandemic-free Zone

网格化管理 wǎnggéhuà guǎnlǐ
Grid Management 

防疫零动态 fángyì líng dòngtài
Pandemic Stasis

无差别消毒 wúchābié xiāodú
Indiscriminate Disinfecting 

安全屋技术 ānquánwū jìshù
Safehouse Technology

沉默少数群体 chénmò shǎoshù qúntǐ
Silent Minority 

流动中的风险 liúdòngzhōng de fēngxiǎn
Ambulatory Risk

严格静态管理人员 yángé jìngtài guǎnlǐ rényuán
Strict Static Management Personnel 

社会面流动人员 shèhuìmiàn liúdòng rényuán
Socially-ambulatory Personnel

小区自我静默期 xiǎoqū zìwǒ jìngmòqī
Self-imposed Neighborhood Quiet Period

综合社会成本最低 zōnghé shèhuì chéngběn zuìdī
Lowest Comprehensive Cost to Society

Phase 2  应X尽X  系列
Phase 2: The Must-Should Series

应收尽收 yīng shōu jìn shōu
Round up everyone who should be rounded up.

应转尽转 yīng zhuǎn jìn zhuǎn
Transfer everyone who should be transferred. 

应隔尽隔 yīng gé jìn gé
Quarantine everyone who should be quarantined. 

应免尽免 yīng miǎn jìn miǎn
Relieve all rents that can be relieved. 

应检尽检 yīng jiǎn jìn jiǎn
Test everyone who should be tested. 

应治尽治 yīng zhì jìn zhì
Treat everyone who should be treated. 

应接尽接 yīng jiē jìn jiē
Vaccinate all those who should be vaccinated. 

应筛尽筛 yīng shāi jìn shāi
Screen all those who should be screened. 

应开尽开 yīng kāi jìn kāi
Open all businesses that should be opened. 

应考尽考 yīng kǎo jìn kǎo
Allow all who must take standardized tests to take them. 

应续尽续 yīng xù jìn xù
Refinance all loans that should be refinanced. 

应扫尽扫 yīng sǎo jìn sǎo
Scan all health codes that should be scanned. 

应验尽验 yīng yàn jìn yàn
Check all health codes that should be checked.

应贴尽贴 yīng tiē jìn tiē
Post all contact-tracing QR codes that should be posted. 

应领尽领 yīng lǐng jìn lǐng
Apply for all contact-tracing QR codes that should be applied for. 

Phase 3  一些数字游戏
Phase 3: A Numbers Game

四应四尽 sì yīng sì jìn
The Four Must-Shoulds

六保一防 liù bǎo yì fáng
The Six Protects and One Prevent

一戴四查 yí dài sì chá
The One Wear and Four Checks

一日三检 yí rì sān jiǎn
The Three Daily Checks

三消一静 sān xiāo yí jìng
The Three Disinfects and One Waiting Period

三个并重 sān gè bìngzhòng
The Three Equally Importants

一地一策 yí dì yí cè
One Region, One Policy

一点一策 yì diǎn yí cè
One Location, One Policy

一事一协调 yí shì yì xiétiáo
One Issue, One Coordination

一事一对策 yí shì yí duìcè
One Issue, One Solution

一小区一分析 yì xiǎoqū yì fēnxī
One Neighborhood, One Analysis

一小区一处方 yì xiǎoqū yì chǔfāng
One Neighborhood, One Prescription 

一行业一指引 yì hángyè yì zhǐyǐn
One Industry, One Guide

一点多组、多点一组 yì diǎn duō zǔ,  duō diǎn yì zǔ
One Location, Multiple Groups; Multiple Locations, One Group 

以点带链、以链带面 yǐ diǎn dài liàn, yǐ liàn dài miàn
Have Industry Leaders Carry the Supply Chain; Have the Supply Chain Carry Everything Else. 

一天一户、一人一次 yì tiān yí hù 、 yì rén yí cì
One Day, One Household; One Person, One Time

“1+1+1″管理 “yī jiā yī jiā yī” guǎnlǐ
“1+1+1” Management 

“4+7+12”联动机制 “sì jiā qī jiā shíèr” liándòng jīzhì
“4+7+12” Coordinated System

“2+2” 抗原核酸检测 “èr jiā èr” kàngyuán hésuān jiǎncè
“2+2” Antigen and Nucleic Acid Tests

“四早”要求 “sì zǎo” yāoqiú
The “Four Early’s” Requirement 

“四集中”原则 “sì jízhōng” yuánzé
The “Four Centralizations” Principle

“绿蓝黄红”4色风险 “lǜ lán huáng hóng” sìsè fēngxiǎn
“Green, Blue, Yellow, Red” Four Colors of Risk

15分钟检测服务圈 shíwǔ fēnzhōng jiǎncè fúwùquān
15-minute Testing Service Circles

三辆车  三道口  三圈判定 sān liàng chē, sān dào kǒu, sān quān pàndìng
The Three Cars, Three Entrances, Three Circles Determination 

三区分级差异化防控 sān qū fēnjí chàyìhuà fángkòng
Three-level Zones Targeted Prevention 

一朵云一根线一个面一条边 yì duǒ yún, yì gēn xiàn, yí gè miàn, yì tiáo biān
One Cloud, One Line, One Facet, One Side

Phase 4  一些排比对仗
Phase 4: Antithetical Parallels

日清日结 rì qīng rì jié
OEC: Overall; Everyone, Everything, Every Day; Control and Clear

日产日清 rì chǎn rì qīng
Dispose of Medical Waste the Day It Is Produced 

追阳转阳 zhuī yáng zhuǎn yáng
Follow Up on Positive Tests, Transfer Positive Patients

双阳双控 shuāng yáng shuāng kòng
The Two Positives and Two Controls

双联双进 shuāng lián shuāng jìn
The Two Connections and Two Advancements

群防群治 qún fáng qún zhì
Mass Surveillance, Mass Governance

即采、即走、即追 jí cǎi, jí zǒu, jí zhuī
Test, Ship, Trace

扫街、扫楼、扫村 sǎo jiē, sǎo lóu, sǎo cūn
Scour the Streets, Scour the High-rises, Scour the Villages

抓早、抓小、抓基础 zhuā zǎo, zhuā xiǎo, zhuā jīchǔ
Seize Early, Seize Small, Seize the Base

快封、快筛、快消、快解 kuài fēng, kuài shāi, kuài xiāo, kuài jiě
Lock Down Quickly, Test Quickly, Disinfect Quickly, Lift Lockdown Quickly

采、送、检、报、核 cǎi, sòng, jiǎn, bào, hé
Sample, Send, Test, Report, Confirm

从严从紧、从细从实 cóng yán cóng jǐn, cóng xì cóng shí
Urgency and Rigor, Detail and Efficacy

有序放开、有限流动 yǒuxù fàngkāi, yǒuxiàn liúdòng
Open Up in an Orderly Manner, with Limited Movement 

有效管控、分类管理 yǒuxiào guǎnkòng, fēnlèi guǎnlǐ
Effective Control, Discrete Management 

动态调整、动态公布 dòngtài tiáozhěng, dòngtài gōngbù
Dynamic Adjustments, Dynamic Announcements

连点成片、连片成面 lián diǎn chéng piàn, lián piàn chéng miàn
String Points into Sectors, Connect Sectors to the Whole

有限人员、有限区域、有限活动 yǒuxiàn rényuán, yǒuxiàn qūyù, yǒuxiàn huódòng
Limited Personnel, Limited Areas, Limited Activities

Phase 5  一些重要行动
Phase 5: Important Campaigns

大冲洗 dà chōngxǐ
The Great Rinse

大清消 dà qīngxiāo
The Great Disinfection

大总攻 dà zǒnggōng
The Great General Offensive

捞干扑灭 lāogān pūmiè
Dredge Up, Stamp Out

逢阳快转 féng yáng kuài zhuǎn
Transfer Every Positive Case Quickly

拔点清面 bá diǎn qīng miàn
Clear the Whole from the Roots

挂图作战 guàtú zuòzhàn
Battle According to the Blueprint

清源行动 qīng yuán xíngdòng
Operation Purify-the-Source

敲门关爱行动 qiāomén guān’ài xíngdòng
Knock with Love Campaign

腾换扩容行动 téng huàn kuò róng xíngdòng
Make Room, Change Purpose, Expand Campaign 

中医药干预行动 zhōngyīyào gānyù xíngdòng
Traditional Chinese Medicine Intervention Campaign

拔点攻坚行动 bádiǎn gōngjiān xíngdòng
The Struggle at the Roots Campaign

大上海保卫战 dà shànghǎi bǎowèizhàn
The Great Battle to Defend Shanghai

九大攻坚行动 jiǔ dà gōngjiān xíngdòng
The Nine Great Struggles Campaign

十大清零攻坚行动 shí dà qīnglíng gōngjiān xíngdòng
The Ten Great Struggles to Achieve Zero Campaign

Phase 6  一些生动比喻
Phase 6: Vivid Metaphors

“加减乘除”解决民生需求 “ jiā jiǎn chéng chú” jiějué mínshēng xūqiú
“Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division” to Meet Livelihood Needs

治未病 zhì wèibìng
Treat Preventatively

全国一盘棋 quánguó yì pán qí
The Whole Country Is One Chessboard

拧紧“水龙头” níngjǐn “shuǐlóngtóu”
Nip Cases in the Bud

拔钉子 bá dīngzi
Pull Nails

摸清疫情“底数” mōqīng yìqíng “dǐshù”
Ascertain Pandemic “Base Numbers” 

积极挖潜扩大“增量” jījí wāqián kuòdà “zēngliàng”
Actively Tap into Potential to Expand Supplies

优化管理盘活“存量” yōuhuà guǎnlǐ pánhuó “cúnliàng”
Optimize Management to Better Utilize Existing Resources

“较劲爬坡”关键时刻 “jiàojìn pápō” guānjiàn shíkè
A Critical Juncture in Our “Summit Push”

打通“大动脉” dǎtōng “dà dòngmài”
Open “Major Arteries”

畅通“微循环” chàngtōng “wēi xúnhuán”
Connect “Micro-Loops”

Phase 7  一些作战口号
Phase 7: Battle Slogans

层层压实 céngcéng yāshí
Instill Responsibility Through the Command Chain

包保责任 bāobǎo zérèn
Duty to Protect

守土有责 shǒutǔ yǒuzé
Take Responsibility for Your Jurisdiction

全力以复 quánlì yǐfù (Official sources put “复”, a pun on 全力以赴 quánlì yǐfù, in quotation marks.)
Go All Out to Resume Production 

发现一起 扑灭一起 fāxiàn yì qǐ pūmiè yì qǐ
Find One Case, Stamp Out One Case

清零一块 巩固一块 qīnglíng yí kuài, gǒnggù yí kuài
Get One Section to Zero, Hold One Section to Zero

过“紧日子” guò “jǐn rìzi”
Endure “Times of Austerity”

信心比金子更重要 xìnxīn bǐ jīnzi gèng zhòngyào
Confidence Is Worth More Than Gold

Phase 8  一些语无伦次
Phase 8: Incoherence

关门不歇业 guānmén bù xiēyè
Doors Stay Shut, Businesses Stay Open

解封不解防  jiěfēng bù jiěfáng
End Lockdown, Don’t Let Your Guard Down

时空伴随者 shíkōng bànsuízhě
Spatial-temporal Companions 

层层传导压力 céngcéng chuándǎo yālì
Exert Pressure Through the Command System

控制摄取信息量 kòngzhì shèqǔ xìnxīliàng
Control Information Ingestion

暂时离开应激源 zànshí líkāi yìngjīyuán
Temporarily Distance Oneself from Stressors

Alex Yu contributed to this post.


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