Tuesday 8 March 2022

Translation: 25 Things Men Can Do for Women on Women’s Day

On March 8, the popular feminist and LGBTQ+ blogger @piaoquanjun (@票圈君) wrote on Weibo: “I’ve pulled together some recent incidents and things that have long been happening to write this piece on ’25 Things Men Can Do For Women on Women’s Day.'” The list’s modesty belies its radical nature. Public expressions of feminism often lead to censure and can even lead to arrest. Indeed, @piaoquanjun is at least the third account its author has registered—the previous ones have all been shuttered across WeChat and Weibo. Below, China Digital Times translated @piaoquanjun’s list and provided links to the “happenings” that so concern him and other feminists across China:

  1. Don’t use “Girl’s Fest,” “Goddess Fest,” or other names besides “Women’s Day.”  Understand that the word “woman” is not a derogatory term, so it doesn’t need to be prettified to “goddess” or “queen.”
  2. When it comes to incidents such as Fengxian’s “chained woman,” speak out, repost, comment, and follow as much as possible … any action is good action.
  3. Understand that war is a grave and cruel thing. Don’t mock women caught up in warfare.
  4. If any of your female coworkers take a half-day off today, try your best not to bother them. Respect the holiday they are legally entitled to.
  5. If you’re a job seeker drafting a resume, don’t include your gender or your photograph. Likewise, if you are an interviewer inspecting resumes, please ignore gender and photographs.
  6. Don’t ask stupid questions like, “Why is there a Women’s Day, but not a Men’s Day?” Realize that for people in men’s bodies, every day is a holiday.
  7. Refuse to use any curse words that are derogatory to women, even when the target is not female. For example, “Nancy boy,” or “effeminate.”
  8. In the same vein, avoid using insults that refer to female relatives or women’s reproductive organs.
  9. When boarding an elevator with a woman or women, press the button for your own floor first.
  10. When riding an escalator, don’t raise your head and stare at the people above you—especially in the summer.
  11. When using a unisex bathroom, please wipe off the toilet seat after urinating, or better yet, try sitting while you pee.
  12. Don’t say “women’s napkins” when you mean “sanitary napkins.” Don’t say “Aunt Flo” when you mean “menstrual period.”
  13. Don’t use “Feminazi” in place of “feminism.”
  14. Don’t tell vulgar sexual jokes in public: it’s not funny and it’s not polite.
  15. When a group is made up of both men and women, don’t use the character 他 [in 他们, masculine “they”]. Learn to use [the gender-neutral] “TA.”
  16. When talking with women, do more listening and thinking, and less spouting off.
  17. When on the subway or bus, don’t spread your legs too wide or take up too much of other people’s space.
  18. When a female family member is busy in the kitchen, go in and help—take on your fair share of the responsibilities.
  19. When a woman says “No” she means “No.” It’s not “She wants to say yes but she’s telling you no,” or that she’s “embarrassed” or “shy.” No matter what the situation, remember: “No means No.”
  20. When you meet a child who uses their mother’s surname, don’t ask why, just say, “That’s a very nice name.”
  21. When a woman posts a selfie to her WeChat Moments, don’t criticize her appearance. Your comments aren’t important, anyway.
  22. When expressing your love for a girl, instead of telling her, “I want to take care of you,” say, “I want to help you become a better person.”
  23. When you have time, read Li Yinhe or Simone de Beauvoir.
  24. But just because you’ve read a book or shared an article on WeChat doesn’t mean you should go thinking you’ve made some great contribution to womankind. Stay introspective and respectful, and always be mindful of the daily challenges and troubles that women face. We have much work left to do.
  25. Every year on this date, solemnly and sincerely tell the women in your life, “I wish you a happy Women’s Day.” [Chinese]

source https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2022/03/translation-25-things-men-can-do-for-women-on-womens-day/

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