Tuesday 15 December 2020

New Report Exposes Vast Scale of Forced Labor in Xinjiang Cotton Industry

A new report has revealed that systematic forced labor has been employed in a much greater portion of the Xinjiang cotton trade than previously thought. The research, published by the Center for Global Policy and Xinjiang expert Adrian Zenz, finds that more than half a million people have been forced to pick cotton as part of the Chinese government’s poverty alleviation campaign. Previous research has exposed widespread abuses in the sprawling detention camps as well as the use of digital surveillance and algorithmic policing to monitor and arbitrarily arrest young Uyghurs. But the latest research focuses the spotlight on the people who aren’t put in the detention camps – often older Uyghurs – and the systematic abuse of their human rights. The Guardian’s Helen Davidson reported on key findings from CGP’s report:

The Xinjiang region produces more than 20% of the world’s cotton and 84% of China’s, but according to a new report released on Tuesday by the Center for Global Policy there is significant evidence that it is “tainted” by human rights abuses, including suspected forced labour of Uighur and other Turkic Muslim minority people.

[…] This year the US imposed sanctions and cotton import restrictions on suppliers controlled by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) – a paramilitary production entity which produces a third of Xinjiang’s cotton – over human rights concerns. But according to the report, those concerns extend beyond the XPCC to the whole region. It recommended the US government expand its import restrictions to cover all Xinjiang cotton, not just that produced by XPCC regions.

[…] While mechanised harvesting in XPCC regions has increased to around 83%, areas in the south of Xinjiang – which produce a far larger share of the cotton – remain heavily reliant on manual picking. And while the number of workers brought in from other provinces for the harvest season had dropped, the report found the proportion of local ethnic minority labourers had increased dramatically.

It estimated 570,000 people came through three minority-heavy prefectures alone – Aksu, Hotan, and Kashgar – and that labor programs in other ethnic minority regions as well as prison labor would probably add hundreds of thousands to the figure. [Source]

Mass incarceration and mass employment have often operated side by side in Xinjiang’s “re-education camps,” where since 2018, authorities have focused on a huge industrial expansion, building hundreds of factories adjacent to massive prisons. But the new research highlights how re-education camps are not the only places where Uyghurs’ rights are abused. The Chinese government embarked on an ambitious poverty alleviation campaign with the goal of “ending poverty” in China by the end of this year. At the end of November, officials announced that the country had achieved that target. Paired with the issue of widespread poverty in Xinjiang is a manpower shortage in its cotton fields – as the report notes, cotton picking is gruelling, backbreaking work, and plantation owners have difficulty sourcing labor on their own. In order to meet that goal, party cadres, under pressure to meet “poverty alleviation” quotas, have used forced labor transfers and the coerced employment of many Uyghurs outside of re-education camps to fill jobs on cotton plantations. In an extensive report for the BBC, John Sudworth reported on the link between poverty and forced labor in Xinjiang’s cotton fields, while noting the stereotyping and patronizing attitude towards Uyghur culture implicit in the government’s view of their work ethic:

Often from poor farming or herding families, more than two million of them have been mobilised for work, in many cases after first being put through short bouts of “military-style” job training.

[…] In July this year, the US based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) concluded that it was “possible” that minorities were also being sent to pick cotton, but “more information is needed.”

The new documents found by Dr Zenz not only provide that information, they also reveal a clear political purpose behind this mass transfer of minorities into the fields.

An August 2016 notice issued by the Xinjiang regional government on the management of cotton pickers instructs officials to “strengthen their ideological education and ethnic unity education”.

One propaganda report found by Dr Zenz suggests that the cotton fields present an opportunity to transform the “deep-rooted, lazy thinking” of poor, rural villagers by showing them that “labour is glorious”.

Such phrases echo the Chinese state’s view of Uighur lifestyles and customs as acting as a barrier to modernisation. [Source]

In addition to human rights abuses involved in forced labor transfers, CDT had also written about Xinjiang’s network of “re-education” camps, its extensive surveillance network powered by equipment from U.S. computing giants, and the algorithmic policing system built by Chinese tech giants Huawei and Megvii that arbitrarily selects Uyghurs for detention and imprisonment.

In spite of the extensive reporting on human rights abuses in Xinjiang, on Monday, prosecutors with the International Criminal Court announced they would not pursue an investigation into China’s mass detention of Muslims. The New York Times’ Javier Hernandez reported that because the alleged crimes took place in China, which is not a party to the court, it would not investigate allegations of genocide and crimes against humanity there:

The abuses described “have been committed solely by nationals of China within the territory of China,” said a report by the court’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda of Gambia.

[…] In addition to abuses against Muslims inside China’s borders, the groups had also lobbied the court to investigate Beijing for pursuing the repatriation of thousands of Uighurs through unlawful arrests in or deportation from other countries, including Cambodia and Tajikistan.

In its report on Monday, the court said there was “no basis to proceed at this time” because there did not appear to be enough evidence to show that Chinese officials had committed a crime.

“Not all conduct which involves the forcible removal of persons from a location necessarily constitutes the crime of forcible transfer or deportation,” the court said. [Source]

CDT has also written about major U.S. multinationals that have recently lobbied to “water down” a bill in Congress that would severely restrict the importation of goods made in Xinjiang on the basis of pervasive forced labor there.

But a growing number of individuals have chosen to speak out amid the accumulating evidence showing genocide and massive rights abuses in Xinjiang. Last week, following revelations about Huawei’s role in developing the algorithmic systems used to select Uyghurs for detention, French national football team striker Antoine Griezmann publicly cancelled a Huawei sponsorship deal, severing his ties with the company in a move to raise awareness about China’s repression of Uyghurs. At least one Huawei executive has also announced his resignation from the company in response. And on Tuesday, an Orthodox rabbi serving as the chief rabbi of a union of British Orthodox Jewish synagogues penned an op-ed in the Guardian declaring he could “no longer remain silent about the plight of the Uighurs.”

source https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2020/12/new-report-exposes-vast-scale-of-forced-labor-in-xinjiang-cotton-industry/

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