Thursday 20 August 2020

Cai Xia Tweets Three Strikes that Pushed Her Out of the Party

Cai Xia, the outspoken professor emerita of the Central Party School who was recently expelled from the Chinese Communist Party, is now on Twitter @realcaixia. Her first two tweets make public the “relevant passages of the decision to expel Cai Xia from the Party.” There is, of course, the speech she gave in May to a private group online in which she condemned the CCP as a “political zombie.” But Cai’s tweets reveal two other strikes against her: a short piece she wrote about Hong Kong’s National Security Law, and her signature to an open letter calling for political reform titled “Change Is the Only Way to Truly Remember Dr. Li Wenliang: Letter to the National People’s Congress, State Council, and All Fellow Compatriots”:

I’ve been totally cut out of this mafia party! They’ve always been afraid to see the light. When they expelled me, all they said was that I had made very politically problematic statements, but they didn’t say what the problems were, or what exactly I had said. That’s why I have extracted the relevant parts of their official pronouncement of my expulsion. My friends, here it is: (1) I wrote a short piece about the National Security Law in Hong Kong; (2) I talked about “replacing Xi” in a speech I gave that was recorded; (3) I signed a petition for freedom of speech to my compatriots.

Party School of the CCP Central Committee (National Academy of Governance) Deals Severely with Professor Emerita Cai Xia’s Serious Violation of Discipline

Cai Xia, professor emerita of the Party School of the CCP Central Committee (National Academy of Governance), has

made statements that are very politically problematic and damaging to the reputation of the country. Her character is vile, the situation grave. She has seriously violated the Party’s political discipline and the behavioral norms of employees of state institutions. Upon review by the disciplinary commission run jointly by the Disciplinary Inspection Group of the Office of the Central Central Commission for Discipline Inspection at the Organization Department and Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance), in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Articles of Discipline of the Chinese Communist Party and the Provisional Regulations on Discipline of Personnel of State Institutions, the Committee of the Party School of the CCP Central Committee (National Academy of Governance) has decided to revoke Cai Xia’s membership in the Communist Party of China and her related retirement benefits.

The investigation found that Cai Xia violated discipline in the following ways:

Violation of Political Discipline and Political Regulation

In May 2020, Cai Xia wrote an article touching on Hong Kong that contained serious political problems, attacking the CPC Central Committee’s policy deployment regarding the Hong Kong problem and the system of laws and mechanisms of implementation determined by the National People’s Congress in order to establish and strengthen the defense of national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. She slandered the Central Committee’s basic policy and maliciously smeared the image of the Party and the country. In addition, she used the communication tool Signal to share the contents of her article with others, resulting in the article’s dissemination on the foreign internet (外网) and creating adverse effects.

In May 2020, Cai Xia again visited the overseas website Potato’s wechat [sic] Potato Chat group, where she made statements that had serious political problems. She wantonly attacked the fundamental theory and political system of the Party, maliciously smearing the image of the Party and the country. Account xxxx on the foreign [website] Facebook posted the audio of this speech, resulting in its dissemination on the foreign internet and creating adverse effects.

In February 2020, Cai Xia added her signature to the petition titled “Change Is the Only Way to Truly Remember Dr. Li Wenliang: Letter to the National People’s Congress, State Council, and All Fellow Compatriots,” distorting the facts, confusing the public, and seriously interfering with and impacting the stability of the epidemic situation.

Cai Xia, professor emerita of the Central Party School of the CCP, has slandered the Central Committee’s basic policy, wantonly attacked the basic theory and political system of the Party, maliciously smeared the image of the Party and the country, and vilified Party and state leaders with abandon. Her character is extremely vile and the circumstances extremely serious, resulting in adverse effects and seriously violating the Party’s political discipline and political rules.

Over the past several years, Cai Xia has made erroneous statements on a number of occasions, in defiance of strict organizational criticism and education. She is incorrigible and impenitent. During the investigation, Cai Xia had a poor attitude. She did not at all regret her erroneous statements and refused to acknowledge her mistakes. She has refused to return to China for organizational examination, and she has refused to provide any information regarding relevant personnel with whom she discussed her erroneous statements. She has already lost her qualifications to be a member of the Communist Party.

The campus committee has decided, in accordance with the disciplinary measures of the CCP… to punish Cai Xia by revoking her Party membership, effective July 31, 2020.

Cai Xia also tweeted that her WeChat account had been shut down because of her posts to a private group:

I have so many friends to thank for their care and support. Below [sic] is a message I posted to a WeChat group about 10 hours ago, which an enthusiastic friend helped me to share. I’ll borrow their results first, since I’m not too familiar with Twitter. Because of my post, the CCP’s internet administrators shut down my WeChat again. Mainland WeChat users can’t see my messages anymore, whether I posted them to a group or sent them privately.

So many friends have shared their love and support in the last few hours, whether by WeChat, voice message, email, or phone. I’m so moved! Justice and freedom! I’m so happy. That mafia political party has completely cut me off! I have rejoined the ranks of the masses. Each person of a generation carries the responsibility of that generation. We must throw ourselves into the resistance for the political transformation of China. We must accept the price. The whole nation is paying the price and taking the cost–I am just one among them. I cannot while away my time quietly. I can do nothing but speak out. They stole my pension. Today, I start my fight against them. I worked for 43 years. My pension is my right. They have violated my human rights! A difference of political opinion has nothing to do with my pension. They cannot take away my rights! I want to thank you all. Thank you for fighting on my behalf.

Professor Cai’s “straight talk”:

“I’m not an official, so I couldn’t have ‘taken a bribe’; I’m not an entrepreneur, so I couldn’t have ‘evaded taxes’; I’m not a man, so I couldn’t have ‘solicited a prostitute.’So how could they make me a criminal?! This time there is no excuse. They just have to run naked!” (1)

“They’ve exposed the naked barbarism of autocracy! The whole world can see that they are punishing me for a crime of words. They’ve cut off my retirement pension to plunge me into poverty. They’ve sentenced me to a ‘slow death.'” (2)

Read more from CDT Chinese.

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